Weekly Specials at The Swizzle Inn

Man.  I wish I was at The Swizzle this week.  The boys in the kitchen are making their famous Spaghetti Bolognese!  I had this dish quite a bit last season.  Ground beef, vegetables, herbs and red wine simmered and served over spaghetti!  Wish I was there right NOW!!

Here are the rest of this week’s weekly specials at The Swizzle Inn in Bailey’s Bay, Bermuda:

Swizzle Inn Bailey's Bay, Bermuda
Swizzle Inn Weekly Specials

The two chicken dishes are both great, too!  Get out to The Swizzle Inn sometime this week to try these dishes!  Let me know how it was.  I bet it will be great!

Translation challenges.

Hi all.  I had to remove the translated versions of the website.  The translations were just automatic computer translations and they were pretty funny if you have a sense of humor, or, pretty horrible if your sense of humor runs a bit more on the shallow side.

So.  For now, everyone will need to read the site in English.  Or run it through the google translator here:  http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=en&tl=de&u=http://www.raypasnen.com/wp/  –  this will lead you to the German translation but you can choose other languages from a drop-down menu.

I will try to find better solutions in the future…

Oh, and…  Hello to my friend, Ralf.  A new member of the site.


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